York Temple Corporation

By Laws


York Temple Corporation





1.    The name of this corporation shall be York Temple Corporation.


2.    York Temple Corporation was founded and incorporated as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Maine in February, 1964; to hold in trust and manage the physical property known as the York Lodge Masonic Temple, located on Main Street in West Kennebunk, Maine.


3.    The board of directors shall be the trustees as provided for in the By-Laws of York Lodge. They shall have charge of all Property and Funds relating to the temple and shall manage all business affairs of said Corporation.


4.    The board shall also have the power to establish and collect rents from the attendant bodies, but no control over the regular activities and/or projects of those bodies.


5.    All members of York Lodge #22 are thereby members of the Corporation, unless specially requested to be not listed.


6.    One non-voting representative from each of the following bodies may be designated to advise the directors, upon request.  Murray Chapter #33 R.A.M.;  Madonna Chapter #144 O.E.S; Arundel Assembly of Rainbow Girls.




1.    The officers of the Corporation shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Treasure, and two voting members from York Lodge plus the non-voting members advisers.  The Chairman to be a 3rd year lodge member or senior on board.


2.    Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens shall serve 1,2 & 3 year terms concurrent with their blue lodge terms.


3.    Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at large from York Lodge membership at the stated annual meeting to serve overlapping two-year terms.  Any remuneration for these offices to be voted by lodge at time of election.




1.    Any vacancy among the voting members of the board shall be filled by York Lodge at a stated meeting.


2.    Any vacancy among the representatives of the associated bodies shall be filled from within the body represented.





1.    The Corporation annual meeting shall be held at the first stated meeting of York Lodge in January after the stated meeting of York Lodge is concluded.  At this time the annual reports of the board shall be read and acted upon.


2.    Any of the five voting directors may request a meeting of the board at any time to transact business.


3.    Regular business meetings shall be held at the conclusion of York Lodge monthly stated meetings.




1.    Any action by the directors shall require a quorum of three voting members present.  All actions shall require a majority vote of voting members present.


2.    Any disagreement on action among the board shall be taken before the York Lodge at the next stated meeting, and the vote of the lodge shall decide the issue.




1.    The Secretary shall receive all monies, turning them over to the Treasurer after recording and taking the Treasurer's receipt for the same, keep a record of all meetings, and all other duties pertaining to that office.


2.    The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, pay all bills, and keep an accurate financial record of the corporation.


3.    The Secretary, shall be authorized to meet the obligations of the Corporation, if the Treasurer should, for any reason, be unable to fulfill his duties.


4.    The Treasurer's and Secretary's reports shall be submitted to the York Lodge Finance Committee at the annual meeting of the Corporation, for the purpose of audit.




1.    There shall be a Corporate Seal, circular in form and bearing on the ring “York Temple Corporation” and in the center “1964”.




    1.    These York Temple Corporation By-Laws shall supersede and take precedence over all other York Temple Corporation By-Laws written or amended prior to the date of acceptance of these By-Laws at the York Temple Corporation general membership meeting on  (Date)_04/05/2010_

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